Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thwack Thwack

a. It seems impossible for me to link others. Have made several attempts and apparently There were errors. Or so it says. Am convinced this is revenge for my making fun of "the internets"- Bulgy! Listen, I'm sorry I made fun of your lack of technical knowledge.

b. Due to move we decided to finally cave in and get cable. New place is far away from any half decent video rental place. We sorely miss our old one which was not only around the corner, but had incredibly good prices and a decent updated selection. The following discussion took place an hour ago between myself (E) and cable person (CP), over the phone (it was preceded by radio instead of Muzak)
E: Hi, I was wondering, we seem unable to find a couple of the stations, we set the descrambler and we had them at one point but now they seem to have vanished, I was wondering...
CP: Yes, do you know which ones?
E: National Geographic, well...some of the music stations... as well as Fox Kids, not that we really care but...
CP: Yes, National Geographic is off the air.
E: But what, why?
CP: Have you heard of Digital Iceland?
E: Yes...
CP: Because we are changing over to Digital Iceland all stations bar six will be off the air by tomorrow.
E: But I only signed on with you 20 days ago, I called you like a million times because we had an old descrambler and then we had to make a special trip to pick up a new descrambler and NOBODY even mentioned this.
CP: You can come and pick up a new digital descrambler tomorrow here in Lynghals, if you want.
E: How much is it?
CP: Since you don't have a 12 month deal...
E: I DO HAVE a 12 month deal.
CP: Really? According to the computer you don't.
E: I do.
CP: Oh. Let me change that. Ok, then the new digital box is free of charge.
E: But I have to come all the way out there to pick it up? I don't have a car.
CP: You can wait, if you want. Between the 5th and the 10th we will have operators going around installing new digital boxes and picking up the old ones free of charge.
E: But we especially need the cable news stations next week.
CP: For the elections, you mean.
E: Yes.
CP: We will be showing CNBC free of charge during election night.
E: But not CNN?
CP: No.
CP: No.
E: But that was part of the reason we signed on to begin with.
CP: Then you should come and pick up a cable box.
E: You realize, it is quite far, I don't have a car and I only just picked up the other box.
CP: I'm sorry but the company can't keep track of whether or not people have a car.
E: That is hardly the point. The point is I only got this 20 days ago and nobody even mentioned that I might have to exchange it or that stations were going to be shut off. I mean...
CP: To make up for that we are offering the new digital channels for the same price as the old ones. You get 32 instead of 12. For three months.
E: But I don't need that many, I just want the ones I signed up for...Never mind.
I am being punished for my previous blogs, I swear.
BTW, explosive stuff- play the video.


Blogger A guy said...

Elin, I am A Guy and I did not know how to contact you. I saw your response to my question on REDEMPTION BLUES. Thanks for your comments. As a gay man, I probably do not treat women quite the same as hetrosexual men and was always cooking when a kid, my domestic duties. But I am sure we are all equally guilty of being somewhat chavinist. As a high-school student I always wanted a job as a check-out clerk in the local grocery stores, but in those days, the 70's, these were considered female only I suffered discriminated as well,although not to the same extent women are with regards to children, husband, family and home. And even today I face discrimination on sexual orientation, age and in a society worried about discrimination, reverse discrimination. But I am all for equality of women and support the cause.

3:59 PM  
Blogger disinterpreter said...

Hi A guy,
Thank you for finding me! I think the main difference between the discrimination of gay people and the discrimination of women, is that the discrimination of gays is so overt and violent, whereas women generally face a more "low grade", constant discrimination, such as the portrayal of women in media, pay gap etc.
I don't think it serves either group to say they are faced with more or less discrimination, instead I have found that societies where women enjoy a more equal status, generally are tolerant toward homosexuals and vice versa.
There is much work to be done.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Sounds like cable companies are the same all over the world! I absolutely HATE anything that has to do with the cable company. They must train their customer service people from birth to be difficult. I bet their mothers suffered from long, painful labors even.

7:28 PM  
Blogger disinterpreter said...

Cheryl! LOL! Yes they are. And now that I finally trekked all they way over there, came back and hooked it up, it doesn't work properly! Gwah.

7:38 PM  
Blogger A guy said...

You make valid points about discriimination.

2:05 AM  
Blogger A guy said...

You make valid points about discriimination.

2:06 AM  

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