Morally Sound
Apparently voters voiced concerns about morals, well how about NOT VOTING for the guy with very dubious business connections then? Hi! Remember a little company called Enron? No? The man who inexplicably wears a square box mounted on his back and makes most 5-year olds seem like word wizards, has a record history of off morals.
But then of course I am a freak who thinks that all children (at least) should have free health care.
The one thing that has really peaked during this presidency is the oddity of Talk Radio. For those readers not familiar with this American phenomenon it is basically your typical rantings of a right-wing-middle-aged-hysterical-male-who-fears-for-his-position-in-society and therefore dismisses any change as LIBERAL.*
You can pretty much count on them opposing anything from research funding (esp. If it has anything to do with sexual behavior or women), gay rights, women's rights, animal rights, foreigner's rights, foreigner's rights even when the foreigner is minding his own dog gone foreign business in his own foreign country and of course - the one that always makes people listen extra carefully- taxes.
In a country where people spend tremendous amounts of time going to and from places in their cars, talk radio is nothing short of a wickedly efficient propaganda machine. These radio hosts are capable of drawing parallels between murdering bogey men and liberals with more ease than most of us breathe.
Usually goes something like this: "Liberal Politicians today okeyed using tax payers' money to research the behavior of violent rapists. What is there to research? Lock them up for life and throw away the key."
They manage to use the words "liberal", "taxpayers money" and "violent rapists" in one sentence, usually omitting the fact that the part funded by tax money is only a small % of the total cost or perhaps even just the cost of conducting the research in a jail, which is publicly funded anyway. Or omitting that by doing this research one might find a way to define behavioral patterns that eventually might lead to fewer rapes.
One of their most efficient tools is accusing the media of being liberally biased or slanted thereby effectively null and voiding any other media coverage of the same issues.
This is why being liberal is a BAD thing. It is not morally right.
PS. Anyone who can explain the origins of the phrase "to hell in a handbasket" will get honorable mention. Perhaps even be named Helmet Head of the Week. Perhaps.
*Liberal here is not to be confused with liberitarians, as in the individualist/socio-economic movement.