Saturday, October 09, 2004


Where are the other ones? Anyone? Is there a club I don't know about? What does it take to join?
G. W. "Bulges" Bush had some choice moments in last night's debate, like when he attacked moderator Charles Gibson of all people, demanding that he be given speaking time when it was clearly not his turn.
The rumors on the "Internets" is that he is being fed his lines by Karl Rove which considering his behavior and somewhat off timing, is plausible. I don't know that I want to buy every conspiracy theory invented by loners in log cabins, but this one wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, The Husband single handedly built us a floor this week. Yesterday we painted it and it is so very beautiful.
I am a very lucky gal.


Blogger Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Glad to see the you got move into the new apartment o.k. Your husband sounds awfully handy too! I hope everything continues to go smoothly and everyone is happy and healthy soon!

2:01 PM  
Blogger disinterpreter said...

Thank you! Yes he does come in handy, we are fairly lucky in that we are both into fixing stuff, although I am slightly more of an energizer bunny. But it also means that I am sloppier and a tad more accident prone. As my left thumb will tell you, it was the victim of IKEA related hammer violence.
In the past half hour.

12:09 AM  

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