Tuesday, October 26, 2004

New York City

Is still the best city in the world. At the risk of sounding like a speaker at the GOP convention, I have to say, NYC rocks.
No matter how blah I felt about going there, it is always refreshing and revitalizing to be there (the months after 9.11 excluded).
I can happily announce that the aviophobia seems to have disappeared, so there was no need for handsome pilots slapping me across the face. Besides, the captain was female, so it would have just turned into a cat fight.
I had a couple of true NYC moments, most of them involving pizza in some form or another.

There was the full out screaming-fest between a customer and a waitress at the pizza place we had dinner at Friday night after being all cultural and having drinks at the Met.
There was the guy who scared the sh*t out of me only to hand me the glove I dropped (happened right after two slices of white pie, so it counts).
There was the older, like much older, guy hitting on my friend The Grouch while The Grouch and I were trying to have pizza. He was complaining about the Yankees losing AND telling us how he likes to sit in the window seats to watch the girls . Since The Grouch is not only married but hates baseball intensely and we like to eat without gross comments about male ogling techniques, the guy had three strikes and was out the second he opened his mouth.
There were tons and tons of Kerry buttons, stickers and flags and only two Bush supporters as far as I noticed, one sitting next to me having pizza (argh and no, not gross baseball guy). The other was walking in the East Village, and only a suicidal maniac would endorse the GOP in the East Village, so perhaps he doesn't count.
A lot of time was spent rummaging through stores for stuff for the new home, and my anal retentive streak got some serious quality time at The Container Store, & Bed, Bath and Beyond. Other than that I tried not to be too material. To no avail, we had an extra suitcase on the way home. But honestly, I only bought things we really needed, like a fancy new salad spinner.
Oh, who am I trying to fool? I may be all like "Share the wealth!" but I am just a greedy little bugger at heart.
The Grouch and I got in some hours of staring into space and eating, which is the best measure of true friendship for me. The more relaxed silent staring the better.
By the weekend The In Laws arrived and we had a good time, walking around, catching a movie, and having really good food and, yes, pizza.
All in all a true NYC experience: a smidgen of rudeness, a pinch of sirens, a little culture, some shopping, a whole lot of love and tons of pizza.


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