Friday, September 03, 2004

I am Always Right

I am fabulous, beautiful, smart and most of all, always right.
Just ask my husband. He can verify that no matter what, I am always right.
It is really a great skill and I don't use it sparingly. Why should I? God, or whomever bestows us with the skills that we are given at birth, gave me this one.
Yeah, so what if you have spotted bad grammar and typos? I am still right.
Until, of course, I decide that someone else is right, then we are both right and I happen to agree with the other person's version. It doesn't mean I was wrong, it simply means that I, in my all knowing rightness, am still right.
I guess some people, who are less right than I am, are envious of my skill, some even go so far as to argue with me! Ah the poor unwitting fools. In the end - you know it - I'm right. Being right all the time can be difficult, sometimes, it's lonely at the top .
However, I know my limits, because even with regards to limit, I am, well, right. So there isn't much harm I can do with my being right. I don't know chemistry, so I can't blow anything up by being right. I stay away from piloting and international politics. Things that can go horribly wrong if you don't listen to other people. Can you imagine me having a conversation with air traffic controllers?

- I don't care what you say, I KNOW there is NO mountain straight ahead.

The same goes for international politics. Making a statement such as the one the Governor of California did during the GOP convention, stating that only one country in the world can lead in the quest for global peace, is pretty much the same as flying straight into a mountain. We would never accept any such statement from say China or India, and there are a lot more of them than there are Americans.
That is why the UN has to be powerful. There has to be a global forum where all countries despite size and military strength are represented, where the common goal is peace, where democracy means equal say for every point of view - not 'being right'.
You know I'm right about this.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Schwarzenegger, scherzen Sie?

"If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world, then you are a Republican!"
Das ist traurig und sehr krank.

Super Size Me part 3

The Icelandic comments on Morgan Spurlock's blog make me proud to have been reared elsewhere and that I have a smidgen of Danish in me. Of course being able to read them out loud with an Icelandic accent makes them even funnier.
I'll be the first to admit that Super Size Me is not the greatest documentary ever made, however, it is indeed important. I think - this is of course my own philosophy and I have no degree in such things - anyway, I think the gargantuan corporations are slowly becoming the kingdoms of the future. And just as we need to be critical of our national and international politics, we must be critical of the companies. They must withstand scrutiny and close examination.
My favorite comment posted on aforementioned blog is this one:
hm, so this is what 1000 years of inbreeding does to people.
that along with a heavily americanized culture can't be good. thank god they're too insignificant to start an apocalypse.

So true.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Cute Kids

As we are about to move, we needed to get some moving boxes. Provided of course that we get an apartment. If we don't, we'll use the boxes as shelters and be the only homeless people actually living in cardboard boxes in Reykjavik. Sure, an accomplishment in itself, but it does get a little nippy in the winter.
Anyway, we decided to make Sunday both health beneficial and practical. Despite being entirely unprovoked by the new IKEA catalogue that arrived last week, we oddly enough ended up walking there. Which took a lot longer than anticipated, it seems we have the stamina of people twice our age. The first thing we had to do upon arrival was to sit down and get something to drink .
That is when the ingenuity of our plan really hit home. Apparently, other people go to IKEA on Sundays as well. And their kids are not in school/day care, nope, their kids are in the IKEA child care center showing off their endless supply of energy.
Except this one little girl. Either she was fascinated by our complete exhaustion or the fabulousness of our wind swept hair, admittedly we were quite stunning. Or perhaps her eyes were stuck in horror because of the piercing screams emanating from her colleagues. Whatever the reason, she stared at us through the glass partition while we were trying to enjoy our beverages. She was multi talented this girl, for as she was watching us, she was pushing her chewing gum up her nose, followed by a slow extraction process, a little chewing and sculpting and then up her nose it went again.
Did I mention I don't want kids? I mean, can you return them if they start doing that? Of course, since we will be living in boxes in sub zero temperatures, chances are kids might not wanna live with us either, so that works out just fine.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Thank Goodness the Olympics are Over

But what the...was the closing ceremony?
Crop circles? Zombies harvesting the faux wheat? Young men being shuffled around on tables with wheels? Other young men playing with sheets between their legs? A Salman Rushdie Look alike contest?
The Wedding! What was that all about? Are the Greek more nuptially blessed than others?
There was a five minute pause from the ridiculousness when they handed the flag over to the trusty party flag aficionado from China and there were some Chinese dancers who actually performed something in unison. Then, just as I was about to relax, out came the mini skirt clad Chinese women pretending to play Chinese instruments.
That's when I switched over to Leslie Stahl talking about eating disorders. Less disturbing.

Helmet Head of the Week

Is of course pole vaulter Toby Stevenson, Olympic Silver medalist. Seriously, tumbling down 5.8 meters (something like 19-41/4 feet) without a helmet just doesn't seem worth it.