Baby got Back
This blog is brought to you by way of a major Department Store. Having no internet connection for the 18 days that I am away from home I am forced to write this in the "youth clothing" department of one of the major Department Stores in Helsinki. I am surrounded by impossibly hip clothing and very bad pop music.
Poor me.
My back hurts.
It started hurting about 10 days ago, since then it has endured:
Yoga Classes
Two Flights
Hauling a Large Suitcase
Sleeping in my own Bed
Sleeping in someone else's Bed
Sleeping on the floor.
Sleeping on the floor, on bed, on the floor, pacing, stretching, and finally falling a sleep the floor.
High Heels
Tight Jeans
Finally, this morning I could go to the loo without clenching my teeth, which is great, cause I was starting to get lock jaw.
Poor me.
My back hurts.
It started hurting about 10 days ago, since then it has endured:
Yoga Classes
Two Flights
Hauling a Large Suitcase
Sleeping in my own Bed
Sleeping in someone else's Bed
Sleeping on the floor.
Sleeping on the floor, on bed, on the floor, pacing, stretching, and finally falling a sleep the floor.
High Heels
Tight Jeans
Finally, this morning I could go to the loo without clenching my teeth, which is great, cause I was starting to get lock jaw.