Thursday, September 16, 2004

Democracy at Work (in the Workplace)

Funny story.
And this is just pathetic. Democracy? What? Who? Where?
I often, believe it or not, defend the US. As far as the globe's third largest nation goes, I guess the US does a better job of ensuring democracy for its citizens than than number one and two, and probably most of the countries in the top ten ranking. No question about that.
But the war in Iraq was way way shady.
Then again Iceland belongs to the Coalition of the Willing thanks to two men, Prime Minister Halldor Asgri­msson and Minister of Foregin Affairs David Oddson (in what can only be described as a weird political hodge podge, the two actually switched Ministries yesterday). More than 90% of the Icelandic population was against the war. But we are also remarkably willing to indulge our politicians and pretty much hop along with anything they tell us.
I would go as far as to say we are indeed a Banana Republic - I suppose a Herring Republic would be more fitting. In a country where you are grateful if you end up marrying somebody you are not related to, nepotism is almost inevitable.
And for that reason alone I really cannot be all high and mighty when it comes to democracy - we ain't doing much better over here.


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