Wrapped in Plastic
In Iceland, all magazines are wrapped in plastic to prevent them from being thumbed through by exasperated shoppers waiting while the person in front of them argues with the cashier over the price of sheep heads. But the magazines are nonetheless on display at the register.
Amongst them the latest codswallop of Icelandic male chauvinism. This magazine is probably what most people would consider akin to Playboy on the porn-o-meter. Basically a sad display of women conjuring up the most uncomfortable positions imaginable, interjected with "articles".
A while ago, some FI (Feminists of Iceland) members took to the stores and put stickers on the plastic wrap in protest to have to look at women being degraded every time they shop for food.
This has caused a whirlwind of protests.
To be clear one point, I should say that I don't actually agree with this particular action, simply because as far as publicity goes this one is tricky to defend.
But once again, the reaction is absolutely ridiculous and filled with superlatives. Extremist being a favorite word used to describe FI members.
I find it disturbing that this rather peaceful - perhaps even amusing- action of civil courage against the almighty Krona is perceived as extreme, whilst the human slave trade that feeds the porn industry merely gets a minute lift of an eyebrow.
My point of view, expressed in what is supposed to be a free society, is considered extreme, whilst a whole magazine dedicated to male chauvinism is utterly normal.
Amongst them the latest codswallop of Icelandic male chauvinism. This magazine is probably what most people would consider akin to Playboy on the porn-o-meter. Basically a sad display of women conjuring up the most uncomfortable positions imaginable, interjected with "articles".
A while ago, some FI (Feminists of Iceland) members took to the stores and put stickers on the plastic wrap in protest to have to look at women being degraded every time they shop for food.
This has caused a whirlwind of protests.
To be clear one point, I should say that I don't actually agree with this particular action, simply because as far as publicity goes this one is tricky to defend.
But once again, the reaction is absolutely ridiculous and filled with superlatives. Extremist being a favorite word used to describe FI members.
I find it disturbing that this rather peaceful - perhaps even amusing- action of civil courage against the almighty Krona is perceived as extreme, whilst the human slave trade that feeds the porn industry merely gets a minute lift of an eyebrow.
My point of view, expressed in what is supposed to be a free society, is considered extreme, whilst a whole magazine dedicated to male chauvinism is utterly normal.
Once again I fully subscribe to your views - the degree of hypocrisy that passes for normality is utterly sickening. In garages and other "male" spaces there is always a "girlie" calendar hung on the wall, even if the receptionist, usually a woman, is forced to share space with these degrading images. In fact, even in the hospital where my Mother worked as a Domestic Supervisor (cleaning services in those days a female-dominated profession) the shared office was decorated with a "glamour" calendar. Women continue to be represented as commodities for male enjoyment. The appropriating male gaze remains the default position. Employing the adjective "extremist" is a simple, but effective marginalising tactic. Rather than confront uncomfortable issues, the complacent majority brushes aside perfectly valid objections by dismissing them as the haranguing of strident, "nagging" feminists (even in the West, the designation has negative connotations). We cannot afford to rest on our laurels: we need to smash through the glass ceiling and continue making the point that although we are better off than previous generations full equality still eludes us.
It is truly remarkable how many will defend constant use of women as sex toys. Many of them complain that feminists want to neuter them, an argument I find so wildy absurd that I really have to laugh. Why on earth would masculinity be attached to the display of females being degraded?
Then of course there is that whole slew of people who mistake it all for being some sort of puritanism. But that is a whole other blog.
Aha, a splenderific new colour scheme! I love fridge magnets - very witty!
Thank you!
Although, I've been mucking about with it so much I don't actually know in which version you posted your compliment;)
The glorious purple version that greeted my bleary eyes as I was about to snuggle under the duvet and seek oblivion...I have to admit, though that the new colour scheme, which I am sneaking a peek at in the office is easier to read (a reminder of advancing age - shudder!)
Yes, the purple one was difficult, while entertaining, I have to confess to disliking purple. My favorite color is gray. Although by some considered merely a step on the way between white and black, I have always loved it, even when I was a kid. Go figure.
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