Sunday, November 21, 2004

Who is Kiddi? And What the Hell did He Do?

The following phone calls took place last Friday.
Me= E, Caller 1 =C1, Caller 2 =C2.
The name Kiddi is a common nickname for men named Kristinn (same as the English name Christian).

The phone rings. Elin, in the midst of painting, answers.
E: Hello.
C1: Is Kris*^% there?
E: I'm sorry, there is no Kristina here, I think you have the wrong number.
C1: No, not Kristina, Kristinn, is Kristinn there?
E: Nope, sorry, you have the wrong number.
C1: Well is there a Kiddi there?
E: You really have the wrong number, I 'm sorry.
C1: But...------
Caller hangs up.
Elin continues to paint. Ten minutes pass. The phone rings again.
E: Hello.
C2: Is Kristinn there?
E: Seriously, you have the wrong number.
C2: What is your name?
E: That is none of your business.
C2: I'm calling from the police, it's regarding a Ford Taurus.
E: I don't own a car. I've never...
C2: Is there anyone using this number named Kristinn?
E: No, come on.
C2: Do you know anyone named Kristinn?
E: A friend of mine's husband, but...
C2: Does he work at the BSI?
E: No, he works at the university, I think.
C2: Do you know anyone called Kiddi?
E: Gwwah! No, but I call BSI a lot.
C2: Oh you call BSI? Okey. ---
Caller hangs up.
Elin is confused and whishes she knew what Kristinn/Kiddi did.


Blogger Chameleon said...

How irritating! I simply hate it when people refuse to accept that you know exactly who you live with, that - shock, horror! - they might actually have slipped up. In these days of phishing and skimming and identity theft why should a caller be so sceptical - I mean you don't need the hi-tech assistance of a computer to pick up a phone book and give a false number. Before British Telecom introduced the trace-back system (the only flaw of which is that the caller can choose to withhold their number before dialling - number recording should be automatic/mandatory) we used to be pestered by nuisances. I pity individuals with unusual names who might be the targets of teenage pranks (ordering a cheeseburger from Mr. MacDonald and the like - guffaw, guffaw - not). It could be fun to imagine the scenario, speculate on what Kiddi might have done...pose as the Prime Minister and run over a lollipop lady? OK, I realise there are two fatal flaws - the vehicle isn't posh enough and I don't know if you have lollipop ladies in Iceland :))

7:36 AM  
Blogger disinterpreter said...

Nope sorry, no lollipop ladies here. Although if we had them,, I am sure the actual prime minister would find a way to get rid of them quite legally...not a very female friendly climate, you see;)

1:02 PM  
Blogger Chameleon said...

Hee, hee...actually I was guilty of sexism...we also have lollipop men (at least the last time I was in the vicinity of a zebra crossing strategically located to allow pupils easy access in spite of the presence of a bisecting main road there were, but I have to confess to have been living abroad for almost more years than I have lived in Scotland) ;)))))

1:30 PM  
Blogger Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Talk about trying to smoke Kiddi out! It does make you wonder what is going on doesn't it? Thanks for the get well wishes. I hope your husband is feeling better too!

2:19 PM  

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