Sunday, August 29, 2004

Thank Goodness the Olympics are Over

But what the...was the closing ceremony?
Crop circles? Zombies harvesting the faux wheat? Young men being shuffled around on tables with wheels? Other young men playing with sheets between their legs? A Salman Rushdie Look alike contest?
The Wedding! What was that all about? Are the Greek more nuptially blessed than others?
There was a five minute pause from the ridiculousness when they handed the flag over to the trusty party flag aficionado from China and there were some Chinese dancers who actually performed something in unison. Then, just as I was about to relax, out came the mini skirt clad Chinese women pretending to play Chinese instruments.
That's when I switched over to Leslie Stahl talking about eating disorders. Less disturbing.


Blogger Jennytc said...

I agree. I that the opening ceremony, the first part at least, was enthralling, but last night was like a version of the Eurovision song contest!

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am no Greek, but I thought it was quite cool. Not as a performance to watch from above, but the dances, songs, and all the ceremony was a pagan ritual of fertility, which is what pagan rituals are about. Maybe not exactly the perfect show for a global viewer used to special effects, etc, but I thought it was very very Greek, one of the very few things in the Olympics that actually was ritualistic and with a mythological meaning, and if they change the tendency in the Olympics to go global and commercial for everybody to enjoy, then I think they are turning the show in the right direction. Actually, I think Iceland would do a wonderful Olympics closing ceremony, with the funky mythology you've got up there! :)

7:50 AM  

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