Monday, August 16, 2004

...and I thought real estate agents were annoying

Why do people show up early to look at apartments?
Why? Especially when I have not had any breakfast or lunch.
And why are people being rude and assertive about stuff that really really really does not matter?

- So you are in the apartment on the left when coming up the stairs?
- Well, no actually we are in the apartment on the right.
- No, you aren't.
- Wait, what, yes we are.
- No, you are not.

I have a well documented case of not knowing left from right, but this time I really really checked. And why when you are buying an apartment does it matter? Jiminy. Maybe the old biddy took an extensive course in Feng Shui and needs to be on the left side of the building.

Also, in a country where people readily confess their belief in gnomes and fairies, telling people that you have been renting for four years is met with incredulity.
We have spent the last month or so trying to understand the house buying ritual of the locals and are getting ready to make that giant step into adulthood, buying real estate. And this is where the loathing of real estate agents has been nurtured.
For example, they advertise property without knowing that it has been sold.
This leads to crushed dreams. Do they not know how sad a person can get when said person has spent hours furnishing an imaginary apartment only to find out that it was sold two months ago?
And, really, aren't they the ones who should be showing the apartment and argue about left vs. right? Instead of me when I haven't even had any breakfast.

PS. Have new found love for fish jerky. May impair chances of finding decent housing as my breath is now distincly, well, fishy.


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